How To Download Youtube Video's

How To Download Youtube Video's

How to download YouTube videos using your PC's web browser

There are many ways to download YouTube videos, either using a browser plug-in or simply by pasting the URL of the video into another website. Here we’ll use KeepVid, but Freemake Video Converter and Freemake Video Downloader are also good alternative options if you want a piece of software which can also convert the downloaded videos into other formats (see below for yet another option: ChrisPC Free VideoTube Downloader).

1. Head to and find a video you want to download. Copy the URL from your browsers address bar. Clicking in the address bar is usually enough to highlight it, but clicking three times should also do the job. Press Ctrl-C to copy the highlighted address.

Copy URL from YouTube

2. Head to and click in the box to the left of the Download button. Press Ctrl-V to paste your copied URL and click Download. You’ll see the available versions of the video appear below.

KeepVid paste URL

3. From the list, choose the format you want. We recommend MP4 for the best compatibility, and go for the highest quality – in this case it’s 720p. Simply click the link to start the download – ignore the flashing adverts around the page which are not download links at all.

Click download link

4. Look in your ‘downloads’ folder, or click the downloaded video in your browser’s status bar (we’re using Chrome here) to watch the video. You can also copy the file to another computer or transfer it to another device (here's how to convert videos for free using Freemake and Any Video Converter.)

Watch downloaded YouTube video

How To Download MP3 Music From Youtube

How To Download MP3 Music From Youtube

How to download MP3 music from YouTube

Sometimes you might want to download only the audio from a video on YouTube. The process is almost identical to the one described above, but instead of using, browse to and paste the URL of the video into the obvious box.

If the conversion doesn't happen automatically, click the blue Go button, and you will see the progress. Finally, click the download link when it appears. Then, you can treat the file like any MP3, transferring and synching it to an MP3 player, smartphone or tablet.
How to download YouTube playlists in one go

Keepvid is a useful website for the occasional YouTube video, but if you want to download lots of videos, or a playlist, then try ChrisPC Free VideoTube Downloader

When installing it, be careful not to additionally install other programs (RelevantKnowledge), so read the instructions and information carefully, clicking Decline whenever offered anything that isn't ChrisPC Free VideoTube Downloader. Clicking Decline won't cancel the installer, and the software will eventually download and install.

The interface is relatively basic, but the beauty of the program is that it automatically adds videos whenever you copy the URL in your browser. Do this by highlighting the URL in the browser's address bar when you are on the video page you want and pressing Ctrl-C.

To download a playlist, first click on the playlist in YouTube, and copy the URL from your browser's address bar as for a single video. All videos within the playlist will be added to VideoTube Downloader. You can click the Process all files button to download them all.

ChrisPC Free VideoTube Downloader

Whenever you copy a YouTube URL, you will see the video thumbnail and details appear in FreeVideoTube Downloader. Click the orange download button to save it to your hard drive. At the bottom left are options for downloading different versions (always go for the highest resolution available) and converting the dowloaded file to a format compatible with your mobile device. This is rarely necessary as virtually all YouTube videos can be downoaded as MP4 files, which iPhones, iPads, plus Android smartphones and tablets can play natively.

For Android devices, simply copy the MP4 files(s) to the appropriate folder, typically Movies, using Windows Explorer. You can then play it back using the Gallery app or another video player.

If you have an iPhone or iPad, import the file into iTunes and then sync it to your iOS device. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the file(s) to your iPhone or iPad via the Apps tab when you click on your devie in iTunes. All you need is an app, such as Good Reader or another video playback app which can transfer files using this method.

Of course, you can download YouTube videos directly to your smartphone or tablet without using your PC, laptop or Mac at all:
How to download YouTube videos directly to your smartphone or tablet - iPhone, iPad and Android

There are many free apps available on Google Play and in Apple's App Store, but we've found that TubeMate is a great choice for Android, while Tube Downloader - Free Video Download (by RoyalDevs) works well on an iPad or iPhone.

All apps work in the same way. They include a web browser, which usually has YouTube, or the mobile version of YouTube, set as the homepage - or a bookmark. You use the browser to find a video you like, just as you would on your PC. When the video starts playing, a message will pop up asking if you want to download (or save) the video. Tap this and the video will be downloaded.

TubeMate for Android - download YouTube videos

There may be options to name the file, or choose which quality to download, but when downloaded, your videos should be accessible via a separate tab within the app, labeled Files or Videos. You can watch these whenever you like, without an internet connection.

Here's our detailed walkthrough on using TubeMate on an Android device

Here are the full instructions for using Tube Downloader on an iPad or iPhone.
Tips And Trick Play Clash of clans

Tips And Trick Play Clash of clans

The Top 8 Must-Know Clash of Clans Tips

Tip #1. Save Your Gems

When you start playing Clash off Clans, you begin with 500 gems. By the end of the tutorial, you end up losing nearly 50 gems by completing structures instantly as instructed by the tutorial. If you instead save your gems, you will be able to add extra builders at a quicker rate.

Here are the costs for each builder:

    Builder 2: 250 gems (you add this during the tutorial)
    Builder 3: 500 gems
    Builder 4: 1000 gems
    Builder 5: 2000 gems
How To Turn On PC

How To Turn On PC


The order in which you turn everything else on doesn’t really matter.

    Turn on the monitor.

    You need to worry about turning on the monitor after all the other devices only if you have the monitor and console connected to a UPS. Otherwise, you can turn on the monitor whenever you like.

    Turn on the console last.

    Regardless of whether you’re using a UPS, you need to turn on the console last to allow time for the other devices in the computer system to initialize and get ready for work. That way, the console recognizes them and lets you use those devices in your computer system.

If everything is plugged into a power strip, ignore these steps and just turn on the power strip.

Success is indicated by your computer system coming to life; you can hear the fan whine and the disk drives warble into action, and various lights on the console, keyboard, and other devices may flash at you or glow softly. The scanner and printer may whir and grind. Get ready to start computing!

Macam - Macam Input Device (Perangkat Masukan) Pada Komputer

Macam - Macam Perangkat Masukan (Input Device):

1. Keyboard
Keyboard adalah sebuah perangkat masukan yang digunakan untuk memasukan data berupa huruf, angka maupun symbol tertentu serta melakukan perintah-perintah untuk menyimpan file dan membuka file. Keyboard disebut juga sebagai papan ketik pada komputer.

2. Mouse
Mouse adalah sebuah perangkat masukan yang berguna sebagai penunjuk posisi kursor/pointer pada layar monitor.

3. Joystick
Joystick adalah alat masukan yang digunakan untuk memasukan perintah untuk menggerakan permainan pada komputer.

4. Trackball
Trackball adalah perangkat keras yang digunakan sebagai alat penunjuk berupa sebuah bola yang memiliki sensor untuk mendeteksi gerakan.

5. Lightpen
Lightpen adalah pointer elektronik yang digunakan untuk memodifikasi dan men-desain gambar dengan screen(monitor)

6. Scanner
Scanner adalah alat input yang mempunyai fungsi hampir mirip dengan mesin fotocopy. Dengan proses penggunaannya mengcopy data objek lalu dipindahkan kedalam memory komputer yang hasilnya dapat dilihat pada layar monitor.

7. Barcode Reader
Barcode Reader adalah perangkat yang digunakan untuk membaca barcode data

8. Digitizer
Digitizer adalah perangkat masukan yang berfungsi untuk merubah perangkat atau data analog menjadi data digital

CD ROM / DVD ROM adalah perangkat yang berfungsi untuk membaca data atau program dari media penyimpanan data CD atau DVD.

10. Flashdisk
Flashdisk adalah perangkat yang digunakan untuk menyimpan data dengan ukuran kapasitas ternetntu. Ada yang 2GB, 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, sampai 32GB kapasitas penyimpanan.

11. Modem
Modem adalah perangkat keras yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan komputer ke jaringan internet.

12. CD (Compact Disk)
CD (Compact Disk) adalah perangkat yang digunakan sebagai media penyimpanan dan pembacaan data menggunakan sistem optik yang terbuat dari bahan plastik.

13. Touchpad
Touchpad adalah sebuah alat penunjuk yang menampilkan sensor pada permukaan khusus yang dapat menterjemahkan gerakan dan jari-jari pengguna(user) ke posisi yang di inginkan pada layar monitor. Touchpad ini hanya dapat ditemukan pada laptop dan notebook dan cara kerjanya hampir sama dengan mouse.

14. WebCam
WebCam adalah sebutan bagi kamera real-time yang gambarnya bisa di akses atau dilihat melalui WWW (World Wide Web), program instant messaging atau aplikasi video call yang memasukan hasil data rekaman dan dibentuk dalam format digital.

15. Microphone
Microphone adalah perangkat keras keluaran yang dapat menangkap gelombang suara lalu merubahnya menjadi getaran listrik. Microphone ini memiliki fungsi untuk mengeluarkan suara atau menjadi media rekaman suara yang divisualkan melalui gelombang getaran suara.

16. Voice Recognition
Perangkat keras yang berguna untuk mengidentifikasi seseorang melalui suara.

Macam - Macam Output Device (Perangkat Keluaran) Pada Komputer Lengkap

Output Device atau biasa disebut perangkat keluaran adalah perangkat yang berguna untuk menampilkan pengeluaran sebagai hasil pengolahan data.

Macam - Macam Perangkat Keluaran (Output Device):

1. Monitor
Monitor adalah sebuah perangkat keras yang digunakan untuk mengeluarkan hasil pemerosesan yang dilakukan oleh komputer berupa informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh orang yang memakai komputer.

2. Printer
Printer adalah perangkat keras keluaran yang digunakan untuk mencetak data seperti gambar/foto, tulisan pada media kertas.

3. Speaker
Speaker adalah perangkat keras yang berfungsi untuk mengeluarkan hasil pemerosesan berupa suara dari komputer.

4. Projector
Projecetor adalah perangkat keras yang mengintegrasikan sumber cahaya, sistem optic elektronik, dan display dengan tujuan untuk memproyeksikan gambar atau video ke dinding atau layar.

5. Network Card
Network Card adalah perangkat keras yang digunakan sebagai jembatan penghubung antara komputer server dengan komputer client.

6. Tv Tuner Card
Tv Tuner Card adalah perangkat keras yang digunakan untuk menyiarkan tv pada komputer.

7. Modem
Modem adalah perangkat keras yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan komputer ke jaringan internet. Modem juga bisa sebagai media masukan ataupun keluaran.

Sejarah Computer

Sejarah Perkembangan Komputer istilah Komputer berasal dari bahasa latin "computare", yang berarti alat hitung, karena awalnya komputer lebih digunakan sebagai perangkat bantu dalam hal penghitungan angka-angka sebelum akhirnya menjadi perangkat multifungsi. Komputer saat ini adalah hasil evolusi panjang dari komputer zaman dahulu, yang mulanya adalah alat mekanik dan elektronik. Berikut ini contoh penemuan komputer.

-a. Abacus . Sempoa atau Abacus adalah alat kuno untuk penghitungan yang terbuat dari rangka kayu dengan sederetan poros yang berisi manik - manik yang bisa di geser. Alat ini digunakan untuk melakukan operasi aritmatika seperti penjumlahan, pengurangan, perkalian pembagian dan akar kuadrat.Muncul sekitar 5.000 Tahun yang lalu di cina dan masih digunakan di beberapa tempat hingga saat ini. Abacus dapat dianggap sebagai awal mula mesin komputasi (penghitungan). Penggunanya melakukan perhitungan dengan menggunaka biji - bijian geser yang diatur pada sebuah rak. Para pedagang di masa itu menggunakan abacus untuk menghitung transaksi perdagangan. Seiring dengan munculnya pensil dan kertas, abacus kehilangan popularitasnya.

-b. Mesin Buatan Charles Babbage . Banyaknya kesalahan perhitungan dengan manual menginspirasikan seorang ilmuan yaitu Charles Babbage untuk menemukan mesin hitung mekanik sehingga dapat mengurangi kesalahan perhitungan. mesin mekanik sangat baik dalam mengerjakan tugas yang sama berulang kali tanpa kesalahan. sedangkan matematika membutuhkan repetisi sederhana dari suatu langkah - langkah tertentu. Masalah tersebut kemudian berkembang hingga menempatkan mesin mekanik. Kemudian babbage mendapat inspirasi dari perkembangan mesin hitung yang dikerjakanoleh wilhem Schickard, blaise pascal, dan gottfried leibniz. Charles Babbage mengusulkan suatu mesin untuk melakukan perhitungan persamaan differensial yang muncul pada tahun 1822. Mesin tersebut dinamakan mesin differensial.Dengan menggunakan tenaga uap, mesin tersebut dapat menyimpan program dan dapat melakukan kalkulasi serta mencetak hasilnya secara otomatis. Setelah bekerja dengan mesin differensial selama sepuluh tahun, babbage terinspirasi untuk memulai membuat komputer generasi purpose (multifungsi) pertama, yang di sebut analitycal engine.Atas sumbangan penemuan yang sangat besar ini maka Charles Babbage disebut bapak komputer modern.

Procedure Text


- 2 cup shredded cabbage
- 2 cup 1" cut long beans
- 1 bunch swamp cabbage cut up
- 2 cup beansprouts
- a few lettuce leaves
- 1 cucumber, sliced
- 1 cup cooked cubed soya bean cake
- 1 medium size boiled potato cubed
- 1 sliced hard-boiled egg
- 2 tablespoons fried onion shrimp crackers

- 1 cup fried peanut
- 1 clove garlic
- 1 teaspoon shrimp
- 2 red chillies
- 1 teaspoon brown sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon tamarind
- 1 lemon
salt to taste
water, depending on desired thickness

- pot
- colander
- mortar and pestle
- serving dish

1. Boil separately the cabbage, long beans, swamp cabbage and beansprouts than put aside.
2. Pound the fried peanut  into a fine powder. Using the mortar and pestle, crush the garlic, shrimp paste, chillies, brown sugar, tamarind into a paste adding a little salt.
3. Mix the peanut and the paste together and add the water to desired thickness.
4. Squeeze the lemon into the sauce.

1. On a serving dish spread the vegetables out. Put the cabbage first, round the edge with lettuce, then put the cucumber slices on top of the lettuce. In the centre put the others vegetables, the soya bean, potato, garnish with the sliced egg.
2. Pour the sauce over all this, and garnish with fried onion and shrimp crackers.


Have you ever heard the term of computer server?  Maybe once and not infrequently you’re wondering about the definition, usability, and its parts. Indeed, what is a server computer? It is a computer with a particular service on a network. This computer is like a parent who store and manage information, and distribute to other computers in order to be used together.

This type of computer is used either in the Internet or in an intranet network. In general, this computer will operate for 24 hours without stopping in order to provide maximum service to the users. It also has a working system has a server computer specs that are much different from the client computer. It must be great to many times to be able to provide long-term duration of service and quality remains.

Good specs certainly not just on the outside or the hardware, but the software is also included. This is evidenced through the operating system owned by the server with a special design. Some of them are as follows:

1. Microsoft Windows Server 2008
2. Sun Solaris

4. Redhat Linux

Components of Server

Components of the server computer consist of a wide variety of hardware together with regular components in the client computer. Nevertheless, the components on the server as well as a class have a much higher quality because it will function with many compositions. The following explanation will tell you what these components are.


The motherboard is a circuit board inside a computer with all the components in your computer be connected. This is the core of a computer that is referred to as ‘ mother ‘.

The main components on the motherboard including the processor (CPU), a circuit called the chipset, memory, expansion slots, IDE hard drive controllers, and input / output ( I / O ) ports for devices such as keyboard, mouse, and printer. Some motherboards also have additional features such as graphics adapters, SCSI disk controller, or network interface.


The processor, or CPU, is the brain of the computer. Although the processor is not the only component that affects the overall system performance, but this is the first component of people think of when they want to buy a computer server. Intel has four processor models are designed and used in the server computer :

Itanium 2 : a clock speed of 1.60GHz, the processor cores 1-2
Xeon : 1.83 – 2.33GHz clock speed, processor cores 1-4
Pentium D : 2.66 – 3.6GHz clock speed, 2 -core processor
Pentium 4 : 2.4 – 3.6GHz clock speed, 1 core processor


When you want to have a category of computer servers, then do not make too much savings. Many types of memory available, so you need to choose the right type of memory to match the memory supported by the motherboard. Total memory capacity of the server depends on the motherboard. Most new servers can support 12GB of memory, and some can support up to 32GB.

Hard drives

Most desktop computers use a cheap hard drive called IDE drives (sometimes also called ATA). The drive is enough for individual users, but because the performance is more important for a server, other types of drives are known as SCSI is typically used instead. For best performance, use SCSI drives with a SCSI controller card.

Recently, a new type of so-called cheap SATA drives has appeared on a desktop computer. SATA drives are also being tested continuously for computer servers.

The network connection

The network connection is one of the most important parts of any server. Many servers have a network adapter built into the motherboard. If your server is not equipped with it, you will need to add an adapter card for a separate network.

Power supply

Because the server usually has more devices than regular desktop computers, would require greater power (300 watts in general). If the server has a hard drive in smaller amounts, may require greater power.

The Functions of Computer Servers

After I provide an understanding of an existing operating system on the server computer. Now it’s time to switch to a function or usefulness of the server itself. There are several functions that can be found on this server, among others, are as follows.

Application server

This server has the function to store a wide variety of applications that will be accessed by the client computer. For example, the central computer or server stores online application transaction that can later be used on the intranet or internet.


Proxy server is a function of a meaningful set of network traffic with proxy settings. Many people are more familiar with the proxy server in order to connect between the client computer with the internet.

Database server

Provides access to the database is one of the most important functions of a computer server. A relational database storage structure information is compact and efficient, and allows quick access to large volumes of data.

